Saturday, December 10, 2022

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Difference between US & Indian politics.

It is high time that Indian politicians learn from USA. The candidates campaigned vigourously for first getting nominated from their party and again for getting elected finally. President elect Mr.Obama has now chosen his rival candidate(during nomination from their party) Mrs Hillary Clinton as the secretary of states ,which is considered the top most.

This shows the way how to unite for the sake of the country. In India things would have been different. The defeated candidate will form another political wing and split the parent party. They will ever be opposing whatever is taken up by the ruling party.

In USA the debate is very lively both in the Congress and senate. They debate on the pros and cons of the new legilsations irrespective of party affiliations.If it is a matter concerning the security or affecting the economy they support whole heartedly and voting is done by all .

The presidential form of government in USA is really wonderful with wide powers vested with the President.

Will the politicians in India learn? Never.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

UsPresident elect Mr Obama

The proclamation of "we need change|" and we can make it " etc are confident notes stimulating the individuals.Yes people need change from the attacks on peace and prosperity worldover. USA is a great democratic country capable of tilting the whole world,as we see now the entire global economy has shrunk once the slide began USA.

All the people not only in USA but the world over are anxiously watching what magic wand Mr Obama is going to swing to bring back the economy which is in the worst crisis.and also bring to halt the most dreaded "terrorism|" Economy can be brought back.But what about bringing peace? There is no prosperity without peace..

All political leaders allover want the above slogan to catch the people. In India in particular the BJP PM nominee
Mr Advani has started following Mr.Obama|' s strategy.Wish him goodluck.! It is doubtful given the coalition politics of different parties with different ideologies inIndia, it is next to impossible .If Advani does it he will be more than Mr Obama.
But India is not USA. It is unique . There is accountability in USA. Here in India only slogans to catch votes.
Political leaders in India go scot free whatever they may do.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

श्री वेदान्त देसिकन

रामानुज संप्रदाय के आचार्यो में इन का स्थान बहुत महाथ्वापुर्ना है । इन के समय में अध्वैत वाद का बहुत असर पढ़ रहा था । परन्तु इस स्वामीजी ने उस अद्वैत वाद का खंडन करते हुये अनेक अद्वैथियो को वाद विवाद मे हराकर श्री रामानुज संप्रदाय की श्रेष्टता की स्थापना की।

ये द्रविड़ भाषा, संस्कृत ,पक्रित ,मनिप्र्वालम आदि भाषा के महा पंडित थे। सर्वतंत्र स्व्तंत्रण , कविथार्किक सिम्हां आदि उपादियोम से इनका नाम अलंकृत है । ६४ कलाओं की जानकारी थी।

Friday, May 18, 2007

रामानुज की भक्ती शाखा

रामानुजाचार्य ने विशिष्टाद्वैता संप्रदाय की स्थापना की। इस सिद्वांत के अनुसार जीवात्मा और परमात्मा यद्यपि एक माना जासकता ,फिर भी उन दोनों मेम भिन्नता है। जैसे हम देकते है कि पेड के झड़ ,शाखा ,पत्ते, फूल ,,फल आदि अपने अलग व्यक्तित्व का प्रदर्शन देते हुये पेड के अंग बने हुये है । इसी प्रकार जीवात्मा भी अपने अपने अलग व्यक्तित्व प्रकट करते हुये उस परमात्मा के अंग बनते है।

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Success how to achieve

Success is achieved by those who start from the scratch and keep on scratching!